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Jollibee - Filipino Fast Food For The Win.

My girlfriends and I recently went to Seattle for a triple birthday trip (yeah, three of us had birthdays within 5 days of each other) and knowing us, it was going to be allllll about the food.

Lil Sis recommended we stop for Jollibee, a Philipino fast food chain highly popular in Asia because she thought it was the bomb diggity of fast food.

Jollibee was a bout a 15-20 minute drive from Bellevue and is located further below Seattle in Tukwila. It's connected to a mall called Southcenter Mall.

It had a really interesting Asian KFC vibe, most likely because they specialize in fried chicken (called "Chicken Joy" hehe).  Even Anthony Bourdain tried Jollibee on his show "Parts Unknown" and loved everything about it. You can watch it here below.