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Fourth of July Fête for American Expats

To celebrate Independence Day, Joan Jarowski--the new chair of the Avignon Chapter of Democrats Abroad--and her husband Charlie are hosting a poolside potluck buffet and BBQ at their home near Cavaillon on Sunday July 2nd, from 12 to 5 pm (rain or shine). 

The idea, Joan tells me, is to share a festive holiday afternoon with fellow American expats but also to spread the word about Democrats Abroad and reel in some new members; there are also chapters in Marseille and Toulouse. The party is free to attend but donations to the group's treasury will be welcomed.

For the buffet, Joan suggests bringing meat, fish or veggies for grilling; a side dish, salad or dessert to share with others; and a bottle of something to drink. 

To RSVP, email Joan (joandarcnyc@gmail.com), tell her how many in your group and what you'd like to bring. She'll reply with directions and a map. Don't forget swimsuits and towels...and all your American expat friends! 

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