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The Bag Man: Movie Review

 By: Lakwatsera Lovers

John Cusack is Jack, who has a business deal with Dragna (Robert De Niro.) His task seems pretty easy, pick up a bag, wait for him in room 13 of a specific motel without opening or looking inside the bag. In return awaits a big pay check across his name. However, things got a little complicated when a tall girl Rivka (Rebecca Da Costa) shows up in his room seeks for her help to avoid two armed men.

The premise of the film is pretty interesting. However, as the film enters with it's silly twists and turns, it losses all the momentum that the premise created. A bunch of silly characters that you wouldn't care for enters the mix. It makes the movie longer and all the trouble they've made was actually a bunch of nonsense after the content of the bag was revealed in the final frame. Waiting for the big revelation, takes a lot of patience and watching the main character went into all causes of trouble was barely acceptable.

John Cusack isn't that convincing with his performance. The last films he starred are mostly boring and hampered with flaws. Same as here in The Bag Man as he looks uninterested with his role. Robert De Niro appeared in a decent Silver Linings Playbook in 2012 but mostly caught inside of direct to video movies like Killing Season, The Family and The Big Wedding. The two are both talented actors, and they shouldn't have been wasting their time doing this.

Overall, The Bag Man got a little amount of entertainment beyond its appealing premise. There are few enjoyable moments like the butt exposure of Rebecca Da Costa (kidding), but most of the film's dark tale is pretty dull and boring.

Lakwatsera Lovers rates it 4.5 out of 10 stars  

Cast: John Cusack, Robert De Niro, Rebecca Da Costa

Directed by:  David Grovic
Distributed by: Multivision Pictures PH 
Now Showing in cinemas nationwide 

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