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Wednesday, 23-01-19

Good morning!

Yesterday's photo diary.
The Mexican stew was simple and delicious.  Fry some chicken chunks in frylight spray oil until coloured all over.  Add some onion, cut into wedges, some sliced peppers (any colour) and some spice - the recipe said smoked paprika or mild chilli but I used my cajun spice mix - and fry for another few minutes.
Then add some chopped tomatoes and some water, if the tomatoes are very thick.  Mine were Savers so I didn't!  I also added some mushrooms and some garlic puree which were not in the original recipe.  Season lightly.
Bring to a simmer and allow to bubble until all is cooked and the sauce has reduced and is nice and thick, covering if necessary.
As it was nice and spicy, I added a dollop of natural yogurt as well.
You could add rice in which case it would go further, but I didn't.
(The original recipe is on p62 of the SW Take 5 book)

Today's plans:
B:  bacon, egg, tomato, mushroom
I feel like a more substantial breakfast today.
SW:  free

L:  either bean and veg or tomato soup, something to dunk
Warming and frugal.  Win-win
SW:  the soup is free and the dunking something will be my healthy extra B

D:  lentil and kale ragu.  Another one from the Take 5 recipe book
Vegetarian is almost always more frugal than a meal containing meat and, even with the kale, this one is no exception.  It help that I have a can of lentils and some passata from the prize last week  so I'm using up what I've got as well.
SW:  free

Ss:  a nibble or two of cheese for my healthy extra As, fruit yogurt at one syn per pot, maybe some mini oranges (as I'm addicted to them right now).  I might also make some crispy kale at some point as I will have half a bag to use up.

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