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Water And Drought

"It rained at my house," Kristi announced at work and she lives just outside Key West. She must be doing a rain dance because it doesn't seem to raining anywhere. Karl says there's a good chance of rain this next weekend which suits me as I'm working and it will keep people off the streets if we get a nice downpour. I'm tired of hearing that we need rain but it's excessively dusty and dry. It looks like the trees are dying again. we got a burst of greenery when it was supposed to rain a few weeks ago, and those leaves shrivelled and a second round burst forth and they are in the process of drying up too. Our drinking water is pumped from the mainland where there is a huge aquifer under Miami so as far as drinking water goes we are doing all right. There's plenty of water down here but not much of it is drinkable.The tides were pretty high with the last full moon and we got some inundations of the mangroves but the rains are just being coy and staying away. I read about the tornadoes killing people across the Midwest. Danette writes about endless rain in Colorado and temperatures in the Pacific Northwest seem absurdly wintry while Alaska had a a no snow winter and people say climate change is a fantasy?

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