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#Review: And One More Thing Before You Go...by Maria Shriver #selfhelp

Graduating from high school is a big step for any girl. She is leaving her childhood behind and beginning the rest of her life. She is also leaving her mother’s protective circle of love and guidance. One of the greatest gifts a mother can give her daughter at this pivotal moment in her life is good counsel. In And One More Thing Before You Go...Maria Shriver, bestselling author, acclaimed journalist, First Lady of California, and mother of two daughters, provides a loving and heartfelt guide for girls as they go off to college.

Expanded from a speech given to her young friend Ally’s graduating class, Maria writes as a wiser, more experienced girlfriend, but also as both the daughter of a mother whose advice she still seeks and as the mother of daughters for whom she wishes a fulfilling and happy life. In this stirring and inspiring guide, Maria talks to young women about how to find abundance and emotional richness, and how not to overlook life’s most special gifts. Her ten rules—told in a witty and poignant anecdotal style—offer a firm grasp on what’s really important in life.

And One More Thing Before You Go... is a book that transcends age groups, a book that will make you laugh, cry, and open your eyes to a new way of looking at life. Thoughtful, compassionate, and above all, filled with love, And One More Thing Before You Go... is a book that will make every mother cry and every daughter stop and think about her mother’s words.

My Review:
Well known, former First Lady of California, Maria Shiver penned this book back in 2005 at the height of her reign. Upon an invite to an all female high school graduation, she gave a speech which is the essence of the entire book.
The message of her speech and her book was meant to be powerful,, uplifting, and motivating. She did seem to do that for the graduating class but  I am not so sure for the book. I understood what she was trying to do and her words echoed at the heart of it but being over 10 years later since the book was written...well...
Overall though, I could not help to be a little empowered especially since our election process is in full swing. Her message was loud and clear that women can do anything they want to do but to get there, it takes work. It takes being able to change plans on the turn of a dime and yet, balance everything in ones life. Oh and she notes that everyone makes mistakes; site-ting a huge one she made as First Lady.
Overall, I think this is not her best book but for what she was trying to do with it, still ok.

Disclosure: I picked up a copy free from my local library. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours.

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