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Readers, start your spin-cycles

The big story in the Globe this morning is on new crime statistics, reporting the national crime rate is at an all time low.

National crime rate at 25-year low: Statscan
Canadian Press

July 18, 2007 at 9:45 AM EDT

OTTAWA — A new study says the national crime rate hit its lowest point in more than 25 years in 2006, driven by a decline in non-violent crime.

Statistics Canada says the crime rate dropped by three per cent last year, mainly due to declines in break-ins, thefts under $5,000 and counterfeiting.

The national crime rate has decreased by about 30 per cent since peaking in 1991.


Rather than providing my analysis, I thought for fun I’d turn the issue over to my readers and allow you to flex your spin skills and pull things out, in context or not, to use the data to pump-up your party and trash your opponents.

  • Does the decline mean the Conservative tough on crime legislation, most of which isn’t yet law, is unnecessary blustering? Or are criminals so scared of the proposed legislation they’ve stopped committing crimes even before its law?
  • Does the increase in assaults with a weapon mean the gun registry is a boondoggle, or did the fact the Conservatives have neutered the registry without canceling it rendering it useless contribute to the increase?
  • Does the decrease in the national homicide rate mean Harper is hard on crime and the Liberals soft, or does the increase in many serious violent crimes like attempted murder and aggravated assault mean the Liberals were tougher on crime and Harper is soft?
  • Does the rise in crime by youth mean diversion programs and addressing root causes rather than “getting tough” was the right way to go, or does it mean Vic Toews was right, throw the kiddies in prison?
  • Does the large drop in crime in PEI mean everyone in the province moved West and there's no one left?
  • Or does the fact the data is only until the end of 2006, after less than a year of CPC government and before most, if not all, of the new Conservative crime legislation could be passed and implemented, render any political comparisons and partisan shots based on the data silly and useless?

Let the spinning begin!

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