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Pocket Squares (pochettes): A Short (factual) History

Rubinacci Pocket Squares (pochettes) SS 2012

  • The handkerchief in cloth as we know it, in today's form, was 'engineered' in Great Britain for King Richard II of England (1367-1400): “as a little piece of cloth for the lord king to widen and clean his nose”.
  • The use of the handkerchief in cloth (linen) was rapidly adopted by the upper class.
  • In the 1600's it was common use in the whole of Europe. Tucked away in trouser's pockets, so no-one could see it when used.
  • When men started wearing 2 piece suits in the 1800's, they put a clean one in the breast pocket (to keep it from dirt in the trousers' pockets, like dust or dirty coins). After use they tucked it away in the trousers' pocket.
  • The look of the pocket square gained importance as elegant men experimented with folding techniques.
  • Became a fashion-accessory in the 1920's. The real handkerchief was hidden in the trousers pants.
  • When Kleenex (founded in 1924) started making disposable paper handkerchiefs (cloth was viewed as unhygienic), the linen handkerchief was to remain only used in the form of a pocket square.
  • Nowadays you'll find 'pochettes' in several different materials like the classic linen, soft cotton, and a lot of luxurious silk ones.

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