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Pesto Chicken Caprese Pasta

This pestolicious recipe has all the classic caprese elements and that means seconds are a must!

Pesto Chicken Caprese Pasta #recipe #chicken #pasta #pesto #caprese

I have made plenty of caprese recipes and shared them on the blog. The reason behind this is basically that I love pesto (it is my life blood, y'all) and I adore pairing it with tomatoes. I didn't fix the balsamic glaze because I'd be the only one to eat it, but I highly recommend doing so because caprese needs balsamic. What I particularly love about this recipe is that the chicken is marinaded in pesto and you add pesto to the pasta. Then you have these lovely little pearls of mozzarella that get all melty and gooey but still maintain their shape. It's just the best little surprise when you get a bite with a pearl.

Pesto Chicken Caprese Pasta #recipe #chicken #pasta #pesto #caprese

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