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No Bake Lemon Jar Pie

No Bake Lemon Jar Pie

No Bake Lemon Jar Pie at Miz Helen's Country Cottage
We love the lemon flavor and we especially love Lemon Pie. In the summer it is really nice to have a nice cool dessert to serve that can transport to the patio or picnic area. These No Bake Lemon Jar Pies are just great to transport outdoors and everyone has their own little pie. I get excited to receive my assignment for The Secret Recipe Club every month. It is just so much fun to go to someone's blog and look through all their recipes and decide what to present in the SRC reveal. I was thrilled when I saw my assignment this month, Deb at Cooking On The Front Burners. This is a delicious little jar pie that we really enjoyed and will make over and over!

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